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Ciencia, tecnologia y ambiente science, technology and environment spanish edition spanish revised, updated edition by armando duran author 3. The environment and the relations of science, technology and society. This barcode number lets you verify that youre getting exactly the right version or edition. Ciencia, tecnologia y ambiente science and enviromental technology spanish edition spanish paperback june 30, 2002 by armando rodriguez duran author, norma lopez ramirez author. Encuentra ciencia tecnologia y ambiente santillana libros en mercado libre peru. Ciencia, tecnologia y ambiente science, technology and environment spanish edition 9789708300483. Jan 14, 2009 ciencia, tecnologia y ambiente science, technology and environment by armando rodriguez duran, 9789708300483, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. Lopez ramirez, hector quintero vilella, rafael canales pastrana cengage learning latin america, jan 14, 2009 nature 226 pages. Ciencia tecnologia y ambiente 3 edicion por rodriguez duran. Ciencia, tecnologia y salud ambiental scielo cuba infomed. Ciencia, tecnologia y ambiente armando rodriguez duran, norma i. Ciencia tecnologia y ambiente isbn 9706862250autor rodriguez duran armandocanales pastrana rafael r.
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